The center first started as a well-equipped hormone
laboratory for measurement of Reproductive hormones in the country. The
hormone levels are reported by Reproductive Endocrinologist according to
the International standard. The center provides complete fertility
It started Assisted Reproductive Technique as Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) from 1995 for the treatment of male infertility.
Although the service is in a private sector, most of the test and
treatment are expensive and time consuming; however, it provides
infertility care even to the least affordable couples of the society on
considerable basis.
There are two treatment sessions, morning and evening sessions for
out-patient activities. The staffs are available for whole week during
treatment cycles and the doctors are on call 24 hours.
The center organizes educational and management meeting last Friday of
evening month. The center provides training to doctors, nurses,
lab-technicians etc.
In addition, it has organized fund to its staff to participate in conferences both home and abroad.
It has also started IN Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment from August
2002 to only those couples who otherwise could not conceive. The IVF
treatment is provided within the norms quoted by International Council
on Infertility Information Dissemination (INCIID), British Fertility
guidelines and Indian Council of Medical Research (IMCR). Couples who
have to undergo IVF treatment are properly identified and separately
counseled. The cost factor, the hazard and success rate is clearly
explained after which the couple sigh a written consent. The Center is
privileged to have first IVF baby born in Nepal, by Nepalese specialist
in August 2003.
We have presented the details of this pioneering work on IVF and its
embryological outcome in IVth National Conference on Science and
Technology organized by RONAST in 2004 March. We have also presented our
experience on IVF in 22nd All Nepal Medical Conference of the Nepal
Medical Association held in March 2005.